The Czech Republic has a complex tool to integrate persons granted international protection – The State Integration Program.

The specific target group of several hundreds of persons each year is provided with assistance in five key areas

The SIP clients may be helped to search for a flat, to move there and to furnish it with necessary items. Furthermore, the initial costs to have a flat and to furnish it may be paid. We get through the (under)lease contracts with our clients and, if possible, accompany them to flats and read the contracts to check everything is OK.

According to the Law on Asylum and the Resolution of the Government, the General Provider of Integration Services is the Refugee Facilities Administration

Welcome to the Czech Republic
How things work around here?
Tell me more
Czech language lessons
Free intensive course
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Your new home in the Czech Republic
Essential integration seminars
Tell me more
Do you want to be involved in the Program and are you granted international protection? Here continue

Contact points

A Program social worker is meeting a client right here. Assistance and consultancy are provided here. Always make an appointment in advance.
The contact points are in the cities with a larger population of the authorized persons.

Can’t you find a contact point near your home?
Our solution: contact us and be recommended an organization involved in the Program with the same abilities like the contact places.

Mapa centra

Contact points

Learn about our team

Are you specialized public? Do you need, e.g., information in detail about studies? Continue here

Downloadable documents

Basic and free Czech language course

Czech language lessons
Basic and Free of Charge Intensive course!
For international protection holders (asylum and subsidiary protection)
Anywhere – all locations in the Czech Republic available
Up to 400 hours
Mostly collective (group) lessons, individual/private also possible
Sponsored and organised by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Implemented by the Association of Teachers of Czech as a Foreign Language
Starting shortly after the protection is issued (the earlier, the better!)
Certificate of completion of the course plus of passing the final exam
Here continue

New home in the Czech Republic

Your new home in the Czech Republic
Essential Integration Seminars!
Discover more about Czech Rep's norms, values and daily life!
For international protection holders of 15 yrs old and older
Free of charge
Anywhere and anyplace, just name it!
Lasting one day (8 hrs)
Collective seminars carried out in 10 languages (your choice)
Financed by the European Union - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund with the support of the Ministry of the Interior ( AMIF/15/04)
Conducted by Slovo 21, registered association
Starts shortly after the protection is issued (the earlier, the better!)
Certificate of completion of the course + brochure
Here continue

Organizations involved in the Program

The Counselling Centre for Integration
Association for Integration and Migration
Organisation for Aid to Refugees
Caritas of the Diocese of Hradec Králové
The Association of Teachers of Czech as a Foreign Language


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